Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dead Poets Society

This movie follows a group of boys in a very strict school. They are well behaved and diciplined, that is, until they meet the new English teacher, Mr Keating. And what does he teach them? Carpe Diem- Sieze the Day! Gather ye rosebuds while ye may! Through him, they discover the Dead Poets Society, and in turn they all gain the courage to go after their dreams. Alas, this is not a tale without its sorrows. Neil, the foward young man the others come to idolise, dreams of being an actor. But his father wants him to be a doctor, so stops him from following this dream. So sadly, Neil kills himself. But his death is blamed on Keating, so his reputation is dashed, and he may never work again. But he isn't completely disheartened, for he knows that what he taught those boys will help them in every single one of their lives.

Gwe Lea, signing off.


Blogger laffydaffy said...


6:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that movie!! Go teenaged Wilson...!

8:09 pm  

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